Otis Clapp Interview on BIoMagazine.Com

David L'Creme Jr Filed Under:

Miss iLL : My first question has to be, why is your name Otis Clapp?

Otis Clapp : I used to go by the name E-Biz. Along the way I picked up Otis Clapp, but I can’t tell you where I got it from, then I’d have to kill you. (Slight smile)

Miss. iLL : How did you get in to mc’ing?

Otis Clapp : Umm, Sophomore year in high school, many moons ago we had to keep a journal in my English class. I just felt like it was a diary, just felt like it was whatever. I started writing rhymes everyday. We had to write in the journal EVERYDAY. I just did, started writing lyrics, in the beginning it was mostly bullshit, then I started to like doing it. People in my school were catching on, back then hip- hop was HIP-HOP, you know, 97.

M.I : Do you still keep a journal? Just for you?

O.C : No, because I didn’t really keep a journal then. I was supposed too…

read the rest of the interview by Bio Magazine here

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