Essentially, I believe that there are 3 types of men in this world and 2 types of women (I’m strictly speaking about male-female relations here, because that is what I know. I believe to each their own and love who you love, but I cannot speak on male-male and female-female relationships. I don’t want to offend anyone who may be reading this, so I add this disclaimer.)
Type A Male: The Good Guy. The good guy is genuine, heart-felt, wears his heart on his sleeve and doesn’t try to be anyone else.
Type B Male: The Asshole. The asshole is exactly that. Doesn’t really respect women, is really just out for themselves and what makes them feel good. They use and abuse girls, lie, cheat and steal.
Type C Male: The Good Guy who puts on the Asshole act. This male has realized that being a good guy just sets them up to get hurt, so they put on a front and work a routine, eventually showing their true colors and who they really are. The act is presented simply because the Type C Male believes there’s no other option.
Type A Female: The Good Girl. Basically the same as the Type A Male; really sweet, honest and genuine, they often set themselves up to get hurt and sometimes don’t understand why it keeps happening.
Type B Female: The Bitch. This girl is your worst nightmare. They are often controlling, manipulative and selfish. They use guys to get what they want and throw them away when they’re done.
There are always exceptions, and this is a generalization in and of itself, but in many cases, these are the types of males and females that exist. Notice that there’s no Type C Female. My rationale for this is that I haven’t met a woman who put on a front of being a bitch while genuinely being a nice girl. Generally, a girl shows her true colors more outwardly than men do. I will explain this more as we proceed.
Now, here’s how it always seems to play out. The Type A Female ends up with the Type B Male and they get fucked over. Herein lies the problem. Women are fixers. This goes down from our parents and grandparents right to the women we are pursuing. It is in a Woman’s genetics to try to fix things. So the deep-rooted issue is that EVERY girl (or every naïve girl) wants to be the one who changed the asshole into a good guy. FACT. It’s a challenge for them and being fixers it’s what they want more than anything. Little do they realize that this method won’t work and eventually the asshole gets bored, cheats on them or just treats them like shit and moves on leaving our wonderful girl heartbroken and wondering what happened. Then the vicious cycle usually continues, because the sweet girl keeps getting more and more frustrated that she can’t spur on this extremely difficult transformation and keeps getting hurt trying to turn the bad boy into a gentleman. Its like clockwork guys, how many times have you heard the sad tale?
Next up is the type B female, with the B standing for mega-unleaded BITCH. Do these wretched women ever end up with an asshole to get what’s coming to them and form a true mash-up of misery? NO! Because the assholes are aware of the bullshit these women are pulling and stay far, far away preying on the helpless nice girls who give them whatever they want. This leaves your Bitches to end up with the Type A males; the nice guys who are going to accept the crazy and evil that is flung upon them because all the nice girls just want to put them in the friend-zone so they can bitch about how the asshole guy they’re dating is fucking them over. Then these poor guys also get cheated on and get hurt and Bitcharella moves on to the next guy who’s gonna buy all her shit and put her on a pedestal that she’s done nothing to earn and the good guy gets screwed over too. Vicious. Cycle.
This leads me to the Type C Males. These guys really and truly are good guys, but they’ve seen the cycle so many times that they put on a shield of asshole to prevent a ticket to the friend-zone and a punch to the gut. These men, boys and girls are the real winners through all this. Most nice guys are too honest to play this card and that’s why they keep setting themselves up for disappointment. The Type C poses that initial challenge to the girl. She wants to “fix” him. It can’t be done, but lo and behold this guy was really a good guy all along, so the girl gets what she wants, a perceived initial challenge leading to long-term happiness with their “transformed” good guy. As for why the Type C female (nice and sweet with a front of bitchy) doesn’t exist, well that’s simple. The good girls want an asshole guy to transform, but the good guys want a nice girl to treat right. So for a girl to put on that front would be a failure because no guy wants to deal with a controlling bitch, they just happen to be the only girls left for the good guys because of the entire previous scenario.
So this brings me to my to the thesis throughout all this. Good girls and good guys (who don’t pretend to be assholes) cannot end up together (at least at the stage of life that I’ve made it to, I’m sure it happens later when women get tired of the games and realize what they truly want is right there and always had been). Two of my closest friends and I spent a good 45 minutes one night over a year ago looking back at every couple we’ve known well. We went to the same high school so have a ton of mutual friends there, but went to 3 different colleges and all know each other’s groups of friends. Between the three of us we came up with exactly ONE couple in which a genuine good guy got a genuinely good girl without a front put on by the guy or any games. We reminisced on a lot of bitches with good guys and a lot of assholes with awesome girls and even quite a few good girls with Type C guys, but only ONE good girl-good guy couple. How scary is that?
Like I said, there’s always exceptions to every rule, but I challenge you to think on your own relationships and friendships and try to think of how many GOOD couples you've known (let’s say ones that happened between ages 17 and 26). I’m not here to preach to anyone, and I certainly, as I said in the Wing Theory, am no love guru, but I have been a nice guy all my life and I have gotten fucked over more times than I’d care to admit. If girls just took themselves out of their little box for one minute they’d realize that the guy they want is probably looking them right in the face and they don’t even realize it. Stop trying to find a guy to “fix” and go find a guy that’s gonna treat you right FROM THE START. We exist. We’ve just seen you look the other way so many times that we have to settle for girls who we know are gonna fuck us over. Good guys are easier to find than most women would ever believe, they’re just always looking in the wrong places, and guys don’t keep settling for girls you know are gonna use you. I’ve been down that road a million times and it’s never pretty. If everyone just stops settling and starts seeking what they actually WANT in a significant other then we can break this chain and leave the miserable people to wallow with each other and stop taking advantage. It’s on us. Anyway that’s all I got, comments and arguments are, as always, welcome and appreciated.
Type A Male: The Good Guy. The good guy is genuine, heart-felt, wears his heart on his sleeve and doesn’t try to be anyone else.
Type B Male: The Asshole. The asshole is exactly that. Doesn’t really respect women, is really just out for themselves and what makes them feel good. They use and abuse girls, lie, cheat and steal.
Type C Male: The Good Guy who puts on the Asshole act. This male has realized that being a good guy just sets them up to get hurt, so they put on a front and work a routine, eventually showing their true colors and who they really are. The act is presented simply because the Type C Male believes there’s no other option.
Type A Female: The Good Girl. Basically the same as the Type A Male; really sweet, honest and genuine, they often set themselves up to get hurt and sometimes don’t understand why it keeps happening.
Type B Female: The Bitch. This girl is your worst nightmare. They are often controlling, manipulative and selfish. They use guys to get what they want and throw them away when they’re done.
There are always exceptions, and this is a generalization in and of itself, but in many cases, these are the types of males and females that exist. Notice that there’s no Type C Female. My rationale for this is that I haven’t met a woman who put on a front of being a bitch while genuinely being a nice girl. Generally, a girl shows her true colors more outwardly than men do. I will explain this more as we proceed.
Now, here’s how it always seems to play out. The Type A Female ends up with the Type B Male and they get fucked over. Herein lies the problem. Women are fixers. This goes down from our parents and grandparents right to the women we are pursuing. It is in a Woman’s genetics to try to fix things. So the deep-rooted issue is that EVERY girl (or every naïve girl) wants to be the one who changed the asshole into a good guy. FACT. It’s a challenge for them and being fixers it’s what they want more than anything. Little do they realize that this method won’t work and eventually the asshole gets bored, cheats on them or just treats them like shit and moves on leaving our wonderful girl heartbroken and wondering what happened. Then the vicious cycle usually continues, because the sweet girl keeps getting more and more frustrated that she can’t spur on this extremely difficult transformation and keeps getting hurt trying to turn the bad boy into a gentleman. Its like clockwork guys, how many times have you heard the sad tale?
Next up is the type B female, with the B standing for mega-unleaded BITCH. Do these wretched women ever end up with an asshole to get what’s coming to them and form a true mash-up of misery? NO! Because the assholes are aware of the bullshit these women are pulling and stay far, far away preying on the helpless nice girls who give them whatever they want. This leaves your Bitches to end up with the Type A males; the nice guys who are going to accept the crazy and evil that is flung upon them because all the nice girls just want to put them in the friend-zone so they can bitch about how the asshole guy they’re dating is fucking them over. Then these poor guys also get cheated on and get hurt and Bitcharella moves on to the next guy who’s gonna buy all her shit and put her on a pedestal that she’s done nothing to earn and the good guy gets screwed over too. Vicious. Cycle.
This leads me to the Type C Males. These guys really and truly are good guys, but they’ve seen the cycle so many times that they put on a shield of asshole to prevent a ticket to the friend-zone and a punch to the gut. These men, boys and girls are the real winners through all this. Most nice guys are too honest to play this card and that’s why they keep setting themselves up for disappointment. The Type C poses that initial challenge to the girl. She wants to “fix” him. It can’t be done, but lo and behold this guy was really a good guy all along, so the girl gets what she wants, a perceived initial challenge leading to long-term happiness with their “transformed” good guy. As for why the Type C female (nice and sweet with a front of bitchy) doesn’t exist, well that’s simple. The good girls want an asshole guy to transform, but the good guys want a nice girl to treat right. So for a girl to put on that front would be a failure because no guy wants to deal with a controlling bitch, they just happen to be the only girls left for the good guys because of the entire previous scenario.
So this brings me to my to the thesis throughout all this. Good girls and good guys (who don’t pretend to be assholes) cannot end up together (at least at the stage of life that I’ve made it to, I’m sure it happens later when women get tired of the games and realize what they truly want is right there and always had been). Two of my closest friends and I spent a good 45 minutes one night over a year ago looking back at every couple we’ve known well. We went to the same high school so have a ton of mutual friends there, but went to 3 different colleges and all know each other’s groups of friends. Between the three of us we came up with exactly ONE couple in which a genuine good guy got a genuinely good girl without a front put on by the guy or any games. We reminisced on a lot of bitches with good guys and a lot of assholes with awesome girls and even quite a few good girls with Type C guys, but only ONE good girl-good guy couple. How scary is that?
Like I said, there’s always exceptions to every rule, but I challenge you to think on your own relationships and friendships and try to think of how many GOOD couples you've known (let’s say ones that happened between ages 17 and 26). I’m not here to preach to anyone, and I certainly, as I said in the Wing Theory, am no love guru, but I have been a nice guy all my life and I have gotten fucked over more times than I’d care to admit. If girls just took themselves out of their little box for one minute they’d realize that the guy they want is probably looking them right in the face and they don’t even realize it. Stop trying to find a guy to “fix” and go find a guy that’s gonna treat you right FROM THE START. We exist. We’ve just seen you look the other way so many times that we have to settle for girls who we know are gonna fuck us over. Good guys are easier to find than most women would ever believe, they’re just always looking in the wrong places, and guys don’t keep settling for girls you know are gonna use you. I’ve been down that road a million times and it’s never pretty. If everyone just stops settling and starts seeking what they actually WANT in a significant other then we can break this chain and leave the miserable people to wallow with each other and stop taking advantage. It’s on us. Anyway that’s all I got, comments and arguments are, as always, welcome and appreciated.